One year ago today I was in Mexico City counting down the hours until I left for the airport to go to Mexicali. I remember how nervous I felt about moving to a border town we had never been to and praying everything would work out. I also remember how anxious I was to see my baby girl and hubby. In just a few hours my new life was about to begin. Everything fell into place so perfectly thanks to God! I just renewed my lease for our house for another year. It's crazy to think a whole year has come and gone and here we are, together, happy, healthy, and pregnant. We found out on Monday we are having another little girl and could not be more excited! We can't find any names we like so please feel free to leave any suggestions. I want something simple and cute, nothing too crazy. Also my amazing hubby is in the process of getting his CDL! Please pray that he gets it soon because it would be a huge help, especially with another baby on the way.
Sometimes I get stuck in a rut, in a boring routine. I feel unfulfilled, like I could do more. I still don't have a car so I'm at home 99% of the time. But then I remember being alone, and how much I longed for this "boring routine". I sometimes go through my blog and see just how blessed we really are. We started from nothing when we moved here. I mean absolute zero, with a ton of debt from all of the immigration expenses. Just two months ago we finally got a bed, a real bed! I had been sleeping on an air mattress for almost 2 years until my dad bought us the mattress and we bought the bed frame. I had forgotten what a good nights sleep felt like. It's little things like that, that reassure me we are making progress and moving forward. Slowly but surely, with Gods help, we will get to where we want to be one day. But for now I am thankful for everything God has blessed us with and just hope that the rest of our time here is as amazing as this past year has been. :)
Gaby!!!!!! Mi vida!!!!! Por fin te encuentro!!! Que bueno q esten bien ....y otra nina!!! Me da mucho gusto que estes bien te quiero mucho!!!! So perdi mi telefono ....y ya no tengo facebook...I tried to look you up pero you have to be signed up pa que te dejen ver todos los that failed...y luego no me acordaba cual era el web address de tu blog...y tu telefono te acuerdas que te dije q me lo havian programado I didn't know it y it tried to look u up on skype (tonchis 1024) that's you rite?? Si no there is an upset gaby that's gotten like 4 requests from me me puedes email tu numero? Es para hablarte!! Love you tons .......o por cierto soy Jessica ...rodriguez.....o ....gomez.... :D