Church ends at 12 noon and that is the same time my husband gets off work. He usually crosses back in about 20 minutes so we waited for him outside. He got off work late and didn't pick us up until almost one but a few sisters waited with me so I was okay. We then went to check out the new plaza they built right next to our privada. It is so nice and they have a gym people, a gym! I can walk to it and get some food, work out, or just shop a little! This is huge for me because now even though I don't have a car, I can get out with Sofia and within walking distance. It's so new a lot of the stores aren't open yet because they are still under construction, even the gym. We took a tour of the gym and they showed us the lay out and invited us back next week to see the progress. The gym will be state of the art and have a wonderful daycare! Not just a daycare where they sit the kids down and tell them don't move, but they have activities for them, teach them about health and it will give Sofia another chance to interact with kids other than at church.
After that we got some delicious tacos and just chilled at home but the feeling was different. Something about going to church just puts my whole family in such a good mood. On Sunday we got up early, did some grocery shopping, had yummy pancakes for breakfast and had a water balloon fight. It was so much fun!
I know we didn't do anything fancy, or spend a lot of money but this weekend just gave me a new look on things. We may not have much but together we have it all. And we don't have to spend a lot of money to have fun and be happy. I just feel almost rejuvenated.
On another note today I start week 4 of insanity! I have been doing very well with the workouts but eating not so much. Cravings are my worst enemy but I have been making progress, slowly, but still progress. I am just so thankful that everything is coming together and feels like home. Ill be going to church regularly with my daughter, will join the gym once it opens and just those two things alone will allow me to interact with other people again and get out of the house. I'm excited for what's to come. Life is good, very very good. And is amazing! :)
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