Because of my hubby's crazy work schedule we only have Sundays together but he spends most of the day sleeping, trying to prepare for the week ahead. I still haven't had a chance to really see Mexicali and what it has to offer. Although we did find this little hole in the wall that sells the best tacos ever, so score there! O, and my sister might come and visit me this weekend! She is still trying to figure a few things out but it looks like after 2 years I might be able to finally see her again! I hope by posting that I didn't just jinx myself, we shall see.
Since I am home alone with my daughter so much I started doing preschool with her. I have two books that is the curriculum for the whole year and she is loving it. I try and study the bible while she does her work. Between school time, cooking, cleaning, and washing clothes by hand my days go by really fast. I try and take my daughter to the park, hoping there will be other kids there she can play with but lately it's just all teenagers, no little kids. She now officially has imaginary friends. It started with an imaginary dog but now she has a whole little family going on. And you know immigration has been a big part of our lives when my daughter tells me, don't worry mom, all my friends have papers here in Mexico so they don't have to leave okay. It was cute and sad all at the same time.
All in all things are great! My family is together, and we're happy and healthy. I thank God my hubby has work and I am able to stay home with my daughter. Hopefully soon I will have a camera and can take pictures to post. Until then here's one from my iPad. Have a great day everyone, and don't forget to smile because life is amazing and God is good!

Your daughter looks just like you!!